It is Sunday and church starts here around 8:30AM and lasts around two hours; 3-400 people gathered in a sanctuary roughly half the square footage of the 121CC foyer; 90F outside – considerably up from that inside – and did I tell you they love to sing? There is no experience quite like a Haitian worship service; I will attempt to record same before we return and once I’ve determined how to turn down the gain considerably on Paul’s equipment. If there is one thing a Haitian Christian does well it is place every ounce of vocal ability into the singing!
I have often shared with you my position concerning “hymns of the faith” and their absence in church today – most have replied (including two separate pastors on two separate continents) with a simple “get over it” to my dismay. Let me assure you, the Lord knew what He was up to when He directed those old hymns be written - they survived so that Americans speaking no Creole could worship in the Haitian church. It was a bit of challenge to try and make the congregation understand I was weeping as the very Spirit of God caught us in singing these old hymns!
Jane and I were introduced to the congregation (happens each time we return) and all were most appreciative of our coming to assist in the hospital renovation. As only the Lord could have it; we seated ourselves directly behind an ancient little lady who appeared to have perhaps founded the town of Dessalines back when John Jacque Dessalines landed. Perhaps half way through the service it became apparent that worshipping the Lord was no “Sunday” thing for this woman as she lifted her hands high in praise and adoration to her Creator.
Toward the end of the service Jane and I were advised that this was the little old woman for whom Jane had carried home a burden to build her a house! The same widow that many of you have donated to help us construct what will certainly be here last Earthly home!
I urge you all to start planning for your next trip to Haiti, it is a life-changing experience for which you will never regret the challenge it takes to get you here. Come join us next time as God directs; there is no joy greater than serving others in His name. Here is where the stories you hear others tell originate; here is where God alone allows you to reach within yourself to find someone you have not yet met; Praise the Lord.
Hi Randy and Jane,
Thank you so much for your updates. They have touched my heart and enable me to pray for you in a more meaningful way. God Bless and try to stay cool.
Hi Randy,
There are slide switches on the side of the recorder. One of them is for MIC GAIN and is labeled LMH (for Low, Medium, High). You want to switch it to Low if they're singing really loud, which I assume they are. Keep the updates coming!
Randy & Jane,
I really wish I was there... Maybe next time if the Lord permits... I really enjoy reading about what you are doing.
Do you guys have an address there that we can send you something?
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