So much is occurring that I felt I should continue this blog simply to record what God is doing with us to assist the Haitian people. I will look back on this some day (perhaps with a Caribbean breeze blowing gently across the patio) and be thankful I spent the time to record the events of recent days.
I shared with you all that our beloved Fanya went to be with the Lord on or about June 29th of this year as a result of a cooking fire incident.

Fanya will always remain in our hearts; at four years of age she has made our world better for her presence. She will be remembered as that little girl who had nothing by worldly standards and yet acted each day as if she had it all.
The home being constructed for our elderly Haitian widow is coming along quite well and should be completed shortly if all stays on schedule. Pastor Cherite' has blessed me with making certain that the home has a window overlooking the beautiful Haitian mountains of Dessalines - it was one of the "gotta haves" for this structure.

The house when finished will contain a total of three rooms; there are no allowances nor ability to provide either water or electricity. The typical Haitian dwellling in Dessalines would have neither with water being drawn from a local well and light provided by kerosene lanterns.

The home will be "large" when compared to the previous dwelling as she will have access to the entire structure. This home has been designated by Pastor Cherite' as a home intended to serve the less fortunate for years to come. The land and home will be deeded to the church and will be awarded to an additional family in need as it becomes available.

Words cannot express our appreciation for all that have contributed both in financial assistance and in prayer as we have watched this answer to prayer evolve on the Haitian hillside. It is a glorious tribute to God's power and a standing expression within the community itself as to what He can accomplish.
As we shared with all earlier, on July 23rd we recieved word of a terrible automobile accident occurring near L'estere, a small community along the highway. You can imagine the shock at the hospital as the casualties of this accident were brought to the emergency center and it was discovered that they included our newest doctor's fiancee' and her relatives!
Several suffered severe lacerations of face; one of the aunts was killed; the doctor's own brother was admitted to a hospital in Gonaives where he was treated and released and/or left with no further word on where he has gone. Doctor Joseph's fiancee' suffered severe lacerations with a piece of the shrapnel from the wreckage just missing the jugular vein.
Please continue to pray for the Haitian people; for those who knew little Fanya. Pray for the home that God is building; that it will be a testimonial to the congregation and the village. Pray for the accident victims and for Dr. Joseph as the healing process gets underway and the grief of dealing with those lost in the accident becomes reality.
Pray for Jane and me as we seek the Lord's direction regarding our parts in the ever-growing chapters of this adventure story started almost 15 years ago.